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Social Media. The New Tool to Identify Offenders.

Social Media. The New  Tool to Identify Offenders.

After all, these days who doesn’t have access to a laptop, Smartphone or tablet The reality is that the vast majority of the public are connected to the internet throuh numerous devices. It is how a growing percentage of the public gets their daily information and news. The key to a fast resolution in any type of enquiry is to get salient and accurate information out to the public at the earliest opportunity, creating critical mass of interest in a small space of time. We have observed this power of the internet a number of times, where positive outcomes have been achieved, via social media sites such as Facebook.

The information needs to go out as soon as possible so anyone in the area who may have a fresh recollection of anything unusual can assist an investigation. SCOPE have successfully utilised social media sites on behalf of our clients. We have had some exceptional results in identifying information that has assisted us in gaining resolutions in criminal matters. If you have digital footage of unidentified parties, who have committed some form of unlawful activity, speak to SCOPE for advice on how to get that information out to the public quickly and efficiently